W D Statiq Web

Statiq Web is a powerful static web site generation toolkit suitable for most use cases. It's built on top of Statiq Framework so you can always extend or customize it beyond those base capabilities as well. This section of the guide describes features exclusive to Statiq Web. This functionality is also available in Statiq Docs since that's build on top of Statiq Web.

Child Pages

Content And Media Types W D

Statiq Web has a variety of ways of reading, writing, and working with different kinds of files.

Assets W D

Asset files are either copied directly to the output folder or, if the file type is known to require processing like Less or Sass files, transformed and then copied to output.

External Processes W D

Statiq Web supports running external processes as part of execution. Processes can be defined to run at different stages during execution and can be run one, every time, or stay resident in the background. This provides a high degree of interoperability with other web stacks and existing tooling like the ecosystem of npm-based tools.

Directory Metadata W D

Directory metadata allows you to specify metadata that applies to all files in a given directory (and optionally all subdirectories).

Content Files W D

Content files contain the pages of your site and are processed based on their media type (which is determined by file extension).

Data Files W D

In addition to content, Statiq Web has rich support for data files.

Sidecar Files W D

Sidecar files let you define metadata in a separate file.

Scripts W D

Files with a .csx or .cs extension are processed as a script. Similar to computed values, full scripts also provide access to a number of predefined global properties (see the ScriptBase class in Statiq.Core for all script properties):

Enumerating Values W D

Statiq Web has a nifty feature where you can declare a sequence of values to be enumerated within the front matter of a file and it will create additional documents for each of the values.

Archives W D

Archives are one of the most powerful features of Statiq Web and allow you to group and page content.

Feeds W D

Feed files let you define RSS, Atom, and/or RDF feeds for any content or data in your site.

Excluding Documents W D

Documents can be easily excluded from generation, either by removing them entirely or by suppressing their output (but still processing them in the appropriate pipeline).

Templates W D

Statiq Web supports multiple template languages and you can specify which ones should be applied for your site. The specification of a template language, to what files it should apply, and when it should be executed is generally referred to as a template.