
Analyzers provide a mechansim to run validation checks, inspect documents, and otherwise report on the status of your content and data.

An analyzer implements IAnalyzer and is run on the output documents from one (or more) pipeline(s) and phase(s). Analyzers are run after each phase so exceptions propogate immediatly, but analyzer results are reported at the end of execution. An analyzer receives an IAnalyzerContext that includes the documents to be analyzed as IAnalyzerContext.Inputs an AddAnalyzerResult(...) method used to add analyzer messages.

Writing Analyzers

Some base classes are provided that make writing analyzers easier:

  • Analyzer is a basic analyzer that analyzes documents from one (or more) pipeline(s) and phase(s).
  • SyncAnalyzer can be used when the analyze method should be synchronous (I.e. not async).

An analyzer defines which pipeline(s) and phase(s) it should be run after using the PipelinePhases property. Analyzers also define a default logging level their result messages should be logged as using the LogLevel property (which can be overriden, see below).

Using The Bootstrapper

The Bootstrapper also includes some extension methods like Analyze(...) and AnalyzeDocument(...) that let you define analyzers as a delegate.

Registering Analyzers

Registering With The Bootstrapper

When using the Bootstrapper all analyzer classes in the entry assembly are instantiated and added with their default log level automatically.

The Bootstrapper also has a number of AddAnalyzer(...) methods that allow you to manually register analyzers and optionally define their log level.

Registering In Settings And Metadata

You can also add analyzers by setting an Analyzers setting. For example, in a configuration file you can write:

  - ValidateSomeMetadata

This will add the ValidateSomeMetadata analyzer (provided it exists within referenced assemblies). The analyzer will be added with it's default log level, but you can also specify a different log level by using an equal sign:

  - ValidateSomeMetadata=Warning

This will register the ValidateSomeMetadata analyzer with a log level of Warning, or change the log level to Warning if the analyzer has previously been registered.

You can also change the log level of a registered analyzer on a per-document basis using metadata. For example, to disable the ValidateSomeMetadata analyzer for a prtocular document, place the following in the front matter of the document:

  - ValidateSomeMetadata=None

Registering On The Command Line

Analyzers can be registered and log levels set using the command line as well using either -a or --analyzer and the same name=log-level syntax. For example:

dotnet run -- -a ValidateSomeMetadata=Warning