Statiq supports the Razor engine from ASP.NET Core 3.0.

In Statiq Web and Statiq Docs, the Razor engine is executed automatically for Razor file types. In Statiq Framework you must use the RenderRazor module from the Statiq.Razor package in your pipeline to render Razor content.

Document And Context Access

The Razor engine in Statiq uses a custom Razor base page type of StatiqRazorPage<TModel>. This exposes several additional properties including @Document to access the currently rendering document and @Context to access the current execution context.


The default model for a Razor page in Statiq is typically also set to the current document and can be accessed using @Model as you would in Razor from ASP.NET Core. However, it is strongly recommended that you get in the habit of referencing your document via the strongly-typed @Document property of the Statiq Razor base page to avoid model typing problems (see below).

Imports File and Intellisense

Because Statiq uses a custom Razor base page, the Razor Intellisense engine doesn't actually know about the default namespaces, base page, or model. While these will be set during generation, it might be helpful to also let the Intellisense version of Razor know about them so you get better hints and errors. To do so, create a _ViewImports.cshtml file in your input folder:

@using Statiq.Common
@using Statiq.Razor
@using Statiq.Web
@using Statiq.Web.Pipelines
@using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

@inherits StatiqRazorPage<IDocument>

View Imports Model

Important note: if you do create a _ViewImports.cshtml file, it will also instruct the Statiq Razor engine during generation. Generally this isn't a problem since the file is just reiterating what Statiq is doing behind the scenes. However, if any of your partial views change the model with a @model directive, the @inherits directive in the _ViewImports.cshtml file will take precedence and the model you define in the partial view will not work. In this case you should define your partial model using a full @inherits directive. For example, @model int should become @inherits StatiqRazorPage<int>.

Layouts and Partials Model

Razor layouts and partials need to generally handle all model types (since different views with different model types can call them), so by default they use a model type of dynamic unless explicitly specified otherwise. Unlike normal views where dynamic model types are converted to IDocument (since we know there aren't other "callers" of each individual view), a layout or partial will keep it's default dynamic model type. This means that treating the @Model property as an IDocument will fail in some cases (specifically when using extension methods like IDocument.GetString()). If you see "does not contain a definition" error messages during Razor compilation, try changing @Model property access to @Document in your layouts and partials, or using an explicit @model directive at the top of the layout partial file to explicitly specify the model type as IDocument for that layout or partial.