IMetadataConversionExtensions Class
Extensions to make it easier to get typed information from metadata.
Base Types
  • object
graph BT Type-->Base0["object"] Type["IMetadataConversionExtensions"] class Type type-node


public static class IMetadataConversionExtensions


Name Return Value Summary
GetBool(IMetadata, string, bool) bool
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a bool. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found.
GetDateTime(IMetadata, string, DateTime) DateTime
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a DateTime. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found.
GetDateTimeOffset(IMetadata, string, DateTimeOffset) DateTimeOffset
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a DateTimeOffset. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found.
GetDocument(IMetadata, string, IDocument) IDocument
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a IDocument. This method never throws an exception. It will return null if the key is not found.
GetDocumentList(IMetadata, string) DocumentList<IDocument>
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a DocumentList<TDocument>. This method never throws an exception. It will return an empty list if the key is not found or if the key is found but contains no items that can be converted to IDocument.
GetDocumentList<TDocument>(IMetadata, string) DocumentList<TDocument>
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a DocumentList<TDocument>. This method never throws an exception. It will return an empty list if the key is not found or if the key is found but contains no items that can be converted to the specified document type.
GetDocuments(IMetadata, string, IReadOnlyList<IDocument>) IEnumerable<IDocument>
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a IReadOnlyList<IDocument>. This method never throws an exception. It will return null if the key is not found and an empty list if the key is found but contains no items that can be converted to IDocument.
GetDocuments<TDocument>(IMetadata, string, IReadOnlyList<TDocument>) IEnumerable<TDocument>
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a IReadOnlyList<TDocument>. This method never throws an exception. It will return null if the key is not found and an empty list if the key is found but contains no items that can be converted to the specified document type.
GetDynamic(IMetadata, string, object) dynamic
Gets the value associated with the specified key as a dynamic object. This is equivalent to calling as dynamic to cast the value.
GetInt(IMetadata, string, int) int
Gets the value for the specified key converted to an int. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found.
GetList<T>(IMetadata, string, IReadOnlyList<T>) IReadOnlyList<T>
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a IReadOnlyList<T>. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found. Note that if the value is atomic, the conversion operation will succeed and return a list with one item.
GetMetadata(IMetadata, string, IMetadata) IMetadata
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a nested IMetadata. This method never throws an exception. It will return null if the key is not found.
GetPath(IMetadata, string, NormalizedPath) NormalizedPath
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a NormalizedPath. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found.
GetString(IMetadata, string, Func<string, string>, string) string
Formats a string value if it exists in the metadata, otherwise returns a default value.
GetString(IMetadata, string, string) string
Gets the value for the specified key converted to a string. This method never throws an exception. It will return the specified default value if the key is not found.