ActionDisposable |
A simple disposable that calls an action on disposal. This class
will also throw an exception on subsequent disposals.
ActionDisposableStream |
Wraps a Stream and calls an action when it's disposed.
Disposing this stream will also dispose the underlying stream before the action is called.
AfterEngineExecution |
AfterModuleExecution |
AfterPipelinePhaseExecution |
Analyzer |
ApplicationState |
Represents the state of the application when it was run.
AssemblyComparer |
Compares two assemblies for equality by comparing at their full names.
AsyncExtensions |
Convenience extensions to handle sync-over-async scenarios in tests. These extensions should
not be used in production code due to being slower and hacky.
BeforeDeployment |
Raised before deployment pipelines are run or at the end of execution if there are no deployment pipelines
(the event will always be raised regardless of whether there are deployment pipelines).
BeforeEngineExecution |
BeforeModuleExecution |
BeforePipelinePhaseExecution |
BootstrapperConfigurationExtensions |
BootstrapperEventExtensions |
BootstrapperFileSystemExtensions |
BootstrapperPipelineExtensions |
BootstrapperSettingsExtensions |
BootstrapperShortcodeExtensions |
CacheCode |
A similar API to System.HashCode but deterministic
(does not use a random seed) which makes it suitable for
persistent saved cache keys.
CachedDelegateMetadataValue |
This class uses a delegate to get a metadata value. The result of the delegate
will be cached and the cached value will be returned for subsequent calls to Get(string, IMetadata) .
ChangeLevelLoggerProvider |
ChildDocumentsModule |
An abstract base for modules that execute children and then combine the results with the
input documents in some way.
ClassCatalog |
Contains all classes in all referenced assemblies. The dictionary
key is the full class name and the value is the class type.
ClassCatalogExtensions |
ComparisonComparer<T> |
Adapts a System.Comparison`1 delegate to IComparer<T> .
ConcurrentCache<TKey, TValue> |
Use this type instead of ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, TValue> in caching scenarios.
Config |
Config<TValue> |
A union configuration value that can be either a delegate
that uses a document and context or a simple value. Use the factory methods
in the Config class to create one. Instances can also be created
through implicit casting from the value type. Note that due to overload ambiguity,
if a value type of object is used, then all overloads should also be Config<TValue> .
ConfigCombineWithExtensions |
ConfigExtensions |
ConfigModule<TValue> |
Base class for modules that rely on a config value and could apply to input documents (or not) depending
on whether the config delegate requires them.
ConfigTransformExtensions |
ConfigurableConfiguration |
ConfigurableFileSystem |
ConfigurableServices |
ConfigurableSettings |
ConvertingComparer<T> |
Adapts a typed equality comparer to untyped metadata by attempting to convert the
metadata values to the comparer type before running the comparison. If either type
can not be converted to T, the comparison returns the default
object comparison.
ConvertingDictionary |
A dictionary with metadata type conversion superpowers.
ConvertingEqualityComparer<T> |
Adapts a typed equality comparer to untyped metadata by attempting to convert the
metadata values to the comparer type before running the comparison. If neither type
can be converted to T, the comparison fails.
Crc32 |
A helper class to quickly calculate CRC32 codes.
DateTimeCultureExtensions |
Extensions for working with input and output date cultures.
DelegateAnalyzer |
An analyzer that runs a delegate.
DelegateConfigurator<TConfigurable> |
DelegateContent |
A content provider that uses a delegate to get the stream.
DelegateItemStream<TItem> |
A read-only, non-seeking stream produced by iterating over a collection of arbitrary objects.
DelegateMetadataValue |
This class uses a delegate to get a metadata value.
DelegateStringItemStream<TItem> |
A read-only, non-seeking string-based stream produced by iterating over a collection of arbitrary objects.
DelegatingStream |
Delegates all stream access to an underlying stream. Disposing this stream
will not dispose the wrapped stream unless the derived implementation
does that explicitly.
DirectoryEqualityComparer |
Compares IDirectory equality.
Document |
A simple document that has content and metadata.
Document<TDocument> |
A base class for custom document types.
DocumentFactory |
DocumentFileProvider |
Represents a sequence of documents as a file system (I.e., for use in the globber).
DocumentIdComparer |
A simple IEqualityComparer<T> that compares documents by Id .
DocumentIdComparer<TDocument> |
A simple document comparer that compares documents by Id .
DocumentList<TDocument> |
A list of documents.
DocumentMetadataComparer<TDocument, TValue> |
Performs comparisons between documents using a specified metadata key and value type.
DocumentMetadataComparer<TValue> |
Performs comparisons between documents using a specified metadata key and value type.
DocumentMetadataTree<TDocument> |
DocumentPathTree<TDocument> |
EmptyDisposable |
A disposable class that does nothing.
EnumerableEnumerator<TValue> |
Wraps a function that produces an IEnumerator<T> and
provides it as a IEnumerator<T> .
ExceptionExtensions |
ExecutionException |
An exception that is thrown when there is an error during execution.
ExecutionOutputs |
Contains the output documents from execution.
ExplicitGrouping<TKey, TValue> |
FactoryDocument |
This is a non-generic base class for Document<TDocument> and
is not intended to be used directly. Derive from Document<TDocument>
FileContent |
A content provider for files.
FileEqualityComparer |
Compares IFile equality.
FilteredDocumentList<TDocument> |
A filtered list of documents that also implements IDocumentPathTree<TDocument>
so that the resulting documents can be easily traversed as a tree structure.
FilteredMetadata |
ForAllDocuments |
Executes the input documents against the specified child modules. This module
is useful for grouping child modules into a single parent module.
ForEachDocument |
Executes the input documents one at a time against the specified child modules.
Globber |
Helper methods to work with globbing patterns.
GroupByExtensions |
Extensions for performing grouping operations.
GuardExtensions |
HtmlDocumentCacheInitializer |
HtmlHelper |
IAnalyzerCollectionExtensions |
ICollectionExtensions |
Extension methods for collection types.
IComparerExtensions |
IConfiguratorCollectionExtensions |
IDictionaryExtensions |
IDisplayableExtensions |
IDocumentCloneExtensions |
IDocumentEnumerableExtensions |
Extensions for working with specific types of collections.
IDocumentExtensions |
IDocumentFactoryCreateDocumentExtensions |
IDocumentGetLinkExtensions |
IDocumentGroupByExtensions |
Extensions grouping document sequences.
IDocumentHtmlExtensions |
IDocumentPathTreeExtensions |
IDocumentToLookupExtensions |
Extensions for creating lookups from document sequences.
IDocumentTreeExtensions |
IDocumentYieldExtensions |
IElementExtensions |
IEnumerableExtensions |
IEqualityComparerExtensions |
IEventCollectionExtensions |
IExecutionContextCloneOrCreateDocumentsExtensions |
IExecutionContextCreateDocumentFromStreamExtensions |
Extensions to IExecutionContext that create a document from Stream content sources.
IExecutionContextCreateDocumentFromStringExtensions |
Extensions to IExecutionContext that create a document from string content sources.
IExecutionContextExecuteModulesExtensions |
IExecutionContextGetContentProviderExtensions |
IExecutionStateExtensions |
IExecutionStateGetLinkExtensions |
IFileExtensions |
ILoggerExtensions |
IMarkupFormattableExtensions |
IMemoryStreamFactoryExtensions |
IMetadataConversionExtensions |
Extensions to make it easier to get typed information from metadata.
IMetadataGetExtensions |
IMetadataJsonExtensions |
IMetadataXmlExtensions |
IModuleExtensions |
InterceptingLoggerProvider |
InterlockedBool |
InvalidConversionException |
The exception that is thrown when a conversion is invalid.
IParallelModuleExtensions |
IPipelineCollectionExtensions |
Extensions for working with pipeline collections.
IPipelineExtensions |
IPipelineOutputsExtensions |
IReadOnlyApplicationStateExtensions |
IReadOnlyDictionaryExtensions |
IReadOnlyFileSystemExtensions |
IReadOnlyListExtensions |
IReadOnlySettingsExtensions |
IServiceCollectionExtensions |
IServiceProviderExtensions |
IShortcodeCollectionExtensions |
ItemStream<TItem> |
A read-only, non-seeking stream produced by iterating over a collection of arbitrary objects.
Keys |
Common metadata keys for modules in the core library.
LazyDocumentMetadataValue |
Stores the ID of a document and attempts to lazily find it in
the current input documents and their children when the value is requested.
LinkGenerator |
Helps generate normalized links.
LockingStreamWrapper |
Provides a wrapper around a stream that locks the stream during concurrent access.
LoggedException |
Wraps an exception thrown inside the engine while executing nested modules to prevent repeating the log message.
LoggerFactoryLoggerWrapper |
Always provides a wrapped ILogger .
MediaTypes |
Contains common media types and file extension mappings.
MemoryContent |
A content provider for raw memory.
MemoryExtensions |
MemoryItemStream |
A read-only, non-seeking stream produced by iterating over a collection of byte arrays.
MemoryStringEqualityComparer |
Metadata |
A linked list of metadata items.
MetadataDictionary |
MetadataDictionaryJsonConverter |
A JSON converter that will convert a JSON object to nested IMetadata .
MetadataItems |
A collection of metadata items.
Module |
A common base class for modules.
ModuleList |
A collection of modules.
MultiConfigModule |
Base class for modules that rely on multiple config values and could apply to input documents (or not) depending
on whether the config delegates require them.
MultiConfigModuleBase |
MultiShortcode |
A base class for shortcodes.
MultiValueDictionary<TKey, TValue> |
NamedPipelineWrapper |
Wraps a pipeline in order to provide an alternate name during registration.
NullContent |
A special IContentProvider that you can use to indicate
that a null content provider should be used instead of the existing
content provider when cloning documents (because otherwise if null
is passed in as the content provider the one from the existing document
will be used in the cloned document).
NullTextWriter |
ObjectDocument<T> |
A special type of IDocument that wraps an underlying
object, providing the object properties as metadata.
ObjectToDocumentExtensions |
ParallelAsyncExtensions |
General extensions for LINQ-like parallel async operations on arbitrary objects.
ParallelConfigModule<TValue> |
Base class for modules that rely on a config value and could apply to input documents in parallel
(or not) depending on whether the config delegate requires them.
ParallelModule |
A module that processes documents in parallel (with the option to process sequentially).
ParallelMultiConfigModule |
Base class for modules that rely on multiple config values and could apply to input documents in parallel
(or not) depending on whether the config delegate requires them.
ParallelSyncConfigModule<TValue> |
Base class for modules that rely on a config value and could apply to input documents in parallel
(or not) depending on whether the config delegate requires them.
ParallelSyncModule |
A module that processes documents in parallel (with the option to process sequentially).
ParallelSyncMultiConfigModule |
Base class for modules that rely on multiple config values and could apply to input documents in parallel
(or not) depending on whether the config delegate requires them.
ParentModule |
A base class for modules that contain a collection of child modules. Note that this does
not call an execute method and derived modules need to override one.
ParentModuleExtensions |
PathCollection |
An ordered collection of unique NormalizedPath .
PathEqualityComparer |
Compares NormalizedPath instances.
ProcessLauncher |
A utility class that wraps process launching and provides better tracking and logging.
PropertyMetadata<T> |
Provides metadata for the properties of a given object.
PropertyMetadataAttribute |
Indicates that a document property should have a different metadata name than the property name.
ReadDataModule<TModule, TItem> |
A base class for modules that read documents from data that can be turned into a Dictionary<string,object>.
ReadOnlyConvertingDictionary |
A dictionary with metadata type conversion superpowers.
ScriptMetadataValue |
A lazily evaluated metadata value based on script code.
Settings |
SettingsParser |
Parses INI-like args in key=value format.
Shortcode |
A base class for simple shortcodes that return string content.
ShortcodeArgsExtensions |
ShortcodeArgumentException |
ShortcodeHelper |
Utility methods to help with shortcodes.
ShortcodeParserException |
ShortcodeResult |
ShouldExtensions |
SignalingStream |
Wraps a Stream and signals when it's disposed.
SpanExtensions |
StatiqLogState |
StatiqLogState<TInnerState> |
StatiqMarkupFormatter |
This uncomments shortcode processing instructions which currently get parsed as comments
in AngleSharp (see and It also ensures raw text
content isn't escaped so that character escapes like @ (for the at symbol) don't end
up getting encoded back to the original symbol, which in that case would break Razor processing.
StreamContent |
A content provider that wraps a seekable stream.
StreamExtensions |
Extension methods for use with Stream .
StringContent |
A content provider for strings.
StringExtensions |
StringItemStream |
A read-only, non-seeking string-based stream produced by iterating over a collection of strings.
StringItemStream<TItem> |
A read-only, non-seeking string-based stream produced by iterating over a collection of arbitrary objects.
StringStream |
SyncAnalyzer |
SyncChildDocumentsModule |
An abstract base for modules that execute children and then combine the results with the
input documents in some way.
SyncConfigModule<TValue> |
Base class for modules that rely on a config value and could apply to input documents (or not) depending
on whether the config delegate requires them.
SyncModule |
A common base class for synchronous modules.
SyncMultiConfigModule |
Base class for modules that rely on multiple config values and could apply to input documents (or not) depending
on whether the config delegate requires them.
SyncMultiShortcode |
A base class for synchronous shortcodes.
SyncParentModule |
A base class for modules that contain a collection of child modules.
SyncShortcode |
A base class for synchronous simple shortcodes that return string content.
TaskExtensions |
ToLookupExtensions |
ToStringTableExtensions |
TypeHelper |
ZipFileHelper |